I AM MIGHTY® Mitochondria Makeover Formula

Feel more revitalized and energized every day!

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of our cells. Without adequate nutrition, this can lead to dysfunction, imbalance and further damage to our overall health, such as illness, premature aging, brain fog, and low energy.

I AM MIGHTY® Mitochondria Makeover Formula contains super ingredients such as Ubiquinol CoQ10, which protects and improves mitochondrial health, and PQQ, for longevity and healthy aging. It is the best supplement for brain health as it contains R-Lipoic Acid, L-Carnitine, B-support vitamins, and magnesium which has anti-inflammatory properties, balances mood, and improves brain function.



Other key benefits:
Improves memory, motivation, and brain activity
Supports weight loss, exercise performance, and heart health
Boosts the production of ATP