There are just some stubborn fat pockets that you can’t get rid of no matter how disciplined you are in exercising regularly and having a balanced diet. Or perhaps you’ve already lost a lot of weight but you still have a remnant of how heavy you used to be – sagging excess skin. These are just problem scenarios that you can easily solve with body contouring treatment and nonsurgical beauty treatment.

A lot of people go through significant changes in their bodies such as extreme weight loss, bariatric surgery, or postpregnancy and tend to live with its unflattering results. Body contouring or also known as body sculpting can help fine-tune the excess skin and extra body fat to help you fit into your new body shape.

What is body contouring?

This treatment pertains to surgical procedures that can help improve the appearance of skin and tissue after major weight changes or body changes in general. As the name suggests, body contouring helps define and sculpt the body by removing excess fat or skin to give you your dream body shape.

The body contouring process is a journey that includes several stages. Before going through this treatment, it’s best to have a consultation first in order to know the best body contouring technique for you and figure out if you’re fit to undergo the process.

It’s important to understand that body contouring is not a means to lose weight but a method to remove stubborn excess fat and skin that cannot be shed with regular exercise or any diet. The patients who typically undergo this surgical treatment are already at a sustainable, healthy weight.

Types of Body Contouring

Body contouring helps eliminate stubborn fat and sagging skin to create a smoother figure without compromising the underlying support tissues. The stubborn fat and sagging skin can be on the stomach, arms, thighs, and such. That being said, it’s best to know that there are different types of body sculpting surgeries available that can address each of these issues.

◉ Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck – a body contouring procedure that sculpts the abdominal area. It’s a surgical process that removes excess fat and skin from the middle and lower abdomen. The muscles of the abdomen wall are then tightened to attain the desired shape.

◉ Brachioplasty or Arm Lift – this body contouring surgery reshapes the back part of the upper arm, from the arm down to the elbow. It removes extra skin and fat to make the upper arm look smoother. 

◉ Brazilian Butt Lift – or most commonly known as BBL, is a surgical body contouring process that involves specialized fat transfer techniques to achieve a fuller, rounder butt contour without using any implants. To achieve this, the excess fat is removed from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs with liposuction and then a portion of this fat is inserted into the buttocks.

◉ Body Lift – A body lift is a type of plastic surgery procedure that is designed to improve the contour of the body. The procedure typically involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and arms. It can also involve tightening the underlying muscles and tissue to give the body a more toned and lifted appearance. This procedure is often used to address age-related changes in the body, as well as the effects of pregnancy, weight loss, and other factors.

◉ Liposuction – This surgical procedure uses a suction method to remove fat from specific areas of the body including the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. Doing this helps contour or shape these areas, making them look firmer and smoother.

◉ Thigh Lift – This body sculpting surgery removes extra skin and fat in order to reshape the thighs. This results in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the things and lower body. A surgical lift can be the best option for you if your exercise and weight-control efforts have not helped you accomplish your goals for a body that is firmer, more youthful-looking, and more proportionate to your total body image.

◉ Panniculectomy – Ever watched one of those major transformation videos where a 300 lb person loses over 100 lbs and has a lot of sagging skin? In order to get rid of the excess hanging skin and fat from the lower abdomen after a big weight loss, a panniculectomy is needed. This surgical procedure is different from abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. Unlike abdominoplasty, a panniculectomy isn’t done for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons. It’s a necessary surgery to remove hanging skin to improve your health and appearance.

Nonsurgical Body Contouring Treatments

If you don’t want to undergo surgery for body contouring, there’s a nonsurgical body sculpting options that you can opt to do. One of the most effective natural beauty enhancement treatments is Bodicurrent Treatment.

This treatment is a great alternative to liposuction, heating, or freezing fat cells. Bodicurrent treatment is a safe, non-invasive procedure that helps preserve the youthfulness of the body making you feel and look young even at a certain age.

This treatment is simple and doesn’t need downtime. You can even see the results as early as two months. It uses a microcurrent technology that increases ATP production which is necessary for cellular health and vitality. Going through this treatment will help you achieve your personal health and body goals without going under.

If you’re looking for a non-surgical way to contour your body, bodicurrent is the treatment you need! Other than increasing levels of ATP for improving cellular metabolism, this treatment also stimulates protein synthesis, promotes detoxification, and restores collagen and elastin.

This treatment is the perfect holistic all-natural detox for the body that will help you feel confident in your skin. It can also help increase your core strength, endurance, and stamina.

Interested in going through body contouring surgeries? It’s best to consult with a professional first to find out which type works best for you. Whether you’re looking for cosmetic or aesthetic surgeries or purely for health and wellness benefits, body contouring can be a great help.

However, if you don’t want to go undergo any surgical procedures, there’s an effective nonsurgical body contouring treatment that you can choose instead. You can try Bodicurrent Treatment at Exhale a Day Spa in order to achieve your body goals in a safe holistic way. Call or schedule a consultation now to get started!